Thursday, August 21, 2008

Motion Graphic Studio

Project One - MOTION GRAPHICS Time Capture ImagingMotion Synthesis David Hall 2005

Motion Synthesis David Hall 2005


The beginning of motion graphics runs parallel with the history of cinema.
And the birth of both was multiple exposure photography and the “ zoetrope “. Motion capture ( MOCAP ) is a widely used process for calculating movement. But it can also be used to explore motion and animation ( motion graphics ) through a non time based delivery medium such as still images.

In this project we will explore motion and animation through the multiple exposure, or multiple imaging techniques. In any given environment or situation still motion graphics can reveal a hidden world of possibilities and beauty not visible to the naked eye.


Step One
CONCEPT AND EXPLORATION-( 1 week duration )
Develop your concept with a view to its stylistic and visual qualities as well as how this work will be disseminated.

Step Two
DIGITAL-( 1 week duration )
Experiment with concept, location and movement through a series of images.

Step Three
FINAL PRESENTATION -( 1 week duration )
I expect at least 10 experimental images from each person as the final output of this project. I also expect to see a creative unusual approach the idea of still images and motion.

Project Two - Graphism and Digital Graffiti Korea Graffing David Hall 2005Banksy
Digital Graffiti David Hall 2005
Digital Graffiti David Hall 2005


There are various forms of graffiti. One of the simplest forms is that of individual markings such as slogans, slurs, or political statements. Examples of this type of graffiti commonly are found in bathrooms or on exterior surfaces, and this graffiti is usually handwritten. Another simple form is that of the tag which is a fancy, scribble-like writing of one's name or nick-name. That is, tag signifies one's name or nick-name.

For example, wild style changes with each artist's interpretation of the alphabet, but it also relies on the use of primary colors, fading, foreground and background, and the like to create these letters. Thus, it is important and valuable to characterize some forms of graffiti as art because this challenges people, who are conditioned to accept art works as art only if they are created in a traditional manner and appear in institutional setting, to appreciate art works that originate and develop outside of these constraints. In doing so, people come to realize graffiti is not an art form that is done just for the sake of rebellious destruction. Quite the opposite, it is an innovative and truly original art form that is meant to bring an aesthetic pleasure to the audience like any other recognized art form.
In some sense you could say that Tags and graffiti are the antithesis of corporate graphics, and their traps of marketing and logistics. So graffing is a raw and base form of urban graphics and identity.


Step One
CONCEPT-( 2 weeks duration )
Develop your concept with a view to its stylistic and visual qualities as well as how this work will be disseminated.

Step Two
DIGITAL-( 2 weeks duration )
Digitize and develop your tags/ concepts through 3D, Photoshop and illustrator.

Project Three - Motion and Music
CF Blue world For Ford Motor Company David Hall 1998
Subway Fairy David Hall 2006

Final brief

Using the visual form and nature from the first two projects you will develop a motion graphic sequence. Key elements of this sequence must be creativity and experimentation.
( Not a display of skills )

I expect the running time to be between 1minute and 3 minutes.

Stage One ( 2 weeks ) – Concept development and story boarding.

Stage Two ( 3 weeks ) – Preproduction

Stage Three ( 3 weeks ) – Final work and realization.
Edit and presentation


Final Presentation - Abstract Motion 2005 Hongik
